Thursday, July 30, 2009

Write a C++ program that includes the CPU class interfaces, class definitions, and code that will test your cl

The CPU class is described as follows:

• One attribute:

clockSpeed – a double value representing the clock speed of the CPU object. Note: clock speed of a modern computer may be something like 2.5GHz, so a value you could use for testing purposes is 2.5.

• Two constructors:

A default constructor.

A constructor that initializes the attribute, where cs is the clockSpeed.

• Two methods:

getClockSpeed() – return the clockSpeed value associated with the CPU object.

setClockSpeed(cs) – change the clockSpeed value associated with the CPU object, where cs is the new value.

Write a C++ program that includes the CPU class interfaces, class definitions, and code that will test your cl
That is lot of work, may be you can contact a C++ expert at websites like
Reply:-- cpu.h --

class CPU {

double clockSpeed;


CPU( void );

CPU( double cs );

double getClockSpeed( void ) const;

void setClockSpeed( double cd );


-- cpu.cpp --

#include "cpu.h"

CPU::CPU( void ) : clockSpeed( 0 ) {}

CPU::CPU( double cs ) : clockSpeed( cs ) {}

double CPU::getClockSpeed( void ) const { return clockSpeed; }

void CPU::setClockSpeed( double cd ) { clockSpeed = cs; }

-- main.cpp --

#include %26lt;iostreams%26gt;

#include "cpu.h"

using namespace std;

int main( int, char ** )


CPU cpu1, cpu2( 123.456 );

cpu1.setClockSpeed( 645.321 );

cout %26lt;%26lt; "CPU1 speed: " %26lt;%26lt; cpu1.getClockSpeed() %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "CPU2 speed: " %26lt;%26lt; cpu2.getClockSpeed() %26lt;%26lt; endl;

return 0;



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