Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is your religion for you b/c you were born into it or...........?

because you studied, learned and now believe? I'm including athiests here too, b/c I want to know if you really studied all these religions and bibles only to come to your own godless conclusion.

Is your religion for you b/c you were born into it or...........?
i was born into a christian family but i made the decision for myself to be a christian, i looked at other religions and i realized that Jesus was the only way to God and i needed him so bad, i finally made the decision this summer at a youth conference
Reply:I was raised a Christian and it wasn't working for me. So, I'm currently agnostic. I've been trying to figure what does work for me, although I've been a bit lax in my studies lately.
Reply:I was basicly borned into one religion and than quit...started to read more of the bible and studied the religion i am now i also talked to many other people about it and many personal experiences... it just seems like a good thing for me now
Reply:I was born a Buddhist but never really a Buddhist until 15. After I learn it, I decide to follow the teachings.
Reply:Not born into religion.....
Reply:I believe in my faith because I believe in it with all my heart.
Reply:They're all lying. They were born into it and considered themselves Christians first. Than, they read what they wanted instead of the whole bible
Reply:i was raised to believe and fear god (not in an extreme kind of way) i started to question it in high school and I've been an atheist ever since. religion wasn't really prominent in my life ever. only used as a reason not to do things i.e. stealing is a sin. sinners go to hell
Reply:Studied and learned about it.
Reply:Studied, learned, believe. Not in any one religion, though. You can learn a lot by studying other cultures.
Reply:I wasnt born into my religion... study and personal experience has led me to where I am. (Christian-nondenom)
Reply:studied,read bible and was able to see the truth so i'm now a born again christian because of my belief in Jesus and what he done for me.
Reply:Personally I think most people chose the religion that is most convenient for them. It should be something that you study in depth and then take to your creator it prayer to find out if it is right or not.
Reply:I was born into it. Also, I studied many paths such as Islam and Hinduism, the Koran and the Upanishads, the Avesta and the Tao Te Ching and still I find fulfillment being Catholic. Yet one can learn greatly of the world around them. That is one thing I learned from Sufism: For the Love of God alone. Christ already had said so with the greatest commandment.
Reply:I was born into a religion, but found it to be false, so I did some research and learned from the Bible that the current religion I am with now is the true religion that is why I am with my current religion,because it is the only one that teaches the truth from the Bible and follows the truth by puting the truth into practice.Oh of course, I did look, into other religions, but only to find, they were no better than the one I was born into, and teaching many doctrines of lies which are not from the Bible at all but man's ideas
Reply:I was Catholic because I was raised that way and told to believe as such. When I got older, I challenged my faith and it lost. Now I'm an atheist.
Reply:I was born into Christianity, but that is not my religion now. I didn't have to study it to know that it wasn't right for me.
Reply:I studied, learn, and now believe. I was born into another religion (Christianity) that I began questioning objectively at about age 7.
Reply:I was born into Christianity. I have studied Buddhism, Hinduism and Sant Mat (Surat Shabda Yoga). I stayed with the last one as that made the most sense to me out of everything I practiced and studied. It contained answers to questions I'd asked all of my life and no one could answer.
Reply:anyone who studied, and then chose a religion is a bad studier. thats including athiests. theres no way to be sure of any religion being true based on stories told by other people. so im an agnostic... haha
Reply:I studied, learned, and believed. I am a born again Christian.
Reply:I studied several religions and came to my own conclusions.
Reply:I've seen miracles, that's why I believe. I'm a generic Christian after studying several denominations in great detail. I have studied other relgions to some degree but its hard to tell what part is the actual religion and what part is the culture that the religion came from.
Reply:my parents were confirmed luciferians i was baptized a luciferian. i am aslo a confirmed luciferian
Reply:My parents converted when I was one. I went along, I studdied, I took it seriously and studdied, I went to a Christian school and we were encouraged to study other religions I had a look I know abit about a few of them. I study evolution and Creation.

I almost walked out knowing the full truth of God, because of pain in my life, but God gently turned me around so the biggest thing that I am in my "religion" (i hate that word, I live a faith) is because of a true experience of God.
Reply:i have actually studied other religions before i became an athiest. i was raised a roman catholic but i choose not to believe in god


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