Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I ant to go uni but i only have 4 A-C's(including eng and maths) and a couple of D's what more do i need to do

at what level have you got these results? GCSE or A Level? what do you want to study at Uni, and where? Answering those questions would help people help you

I ant to go uni but i only have 4 A-C's(including eng and maths) and a couple of D's what more do i need to do
I assume these are your GCSE results - these are good enough to get you into a 6th form/FE college where you should do A levels, and it is the A levels that universities will look at first when considering your application - GCSEs are a secondary concern.

If you are a mature student (over 21) you should a one-year 'Access to Higher Eduation' course at your local FE college. this will prepare you for study and can be tailored towards whatever subject you want to do at uni.

Most uni's will accept you as long as you pass the access course.
Reply:Well for a start I would spend more time checking your work before submitting it and stop using abbreviations!
Reply:Well, if you don't get into a university on your grades from high school, perhaps you should start out at a community college. That way, you can improve your gpa to get into university.
Reply:are these gcse's or a levels? if they are gcse's then you will need a minimum of 5 gcse grades a-c in english and maths if these are a levels grades you will be fine :)
Reply:Hi, education is always a good thing to aspire to! Firstly, how old are you? If you are 21+ then the thing I would recommend would be a 1 year Access Course which is just mature students - there should be one at a college local to you. It is the same standard as A Levels and would prepare you for Uni really well. A Levels are an option as well, again at a college though Access courses are encouraged more. Also, depending on what you want to study, you may be able to get on by experience such as work background if, again, you are 21+. Whatever you choose, go for it - and find out as much as you can about the course you want to do beforehand
Reply:are these grades in GCSE or a level?, assuming they are gcse then I would suggest you go to college/school and do some a level courses or a National Diploma, the only way to can avoid doing these courses and going straight on to do a degee is by studying with the open university, im not sure how old you have to be though. Anyways with 4 a-c along with a levels, you will definately be able to get into quite a few universities, i didnt do much better than yourself but managed to get into Leeds Met University and was offered places in 2 or 3 other universities.....so you have nothing to worry about....good luck


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