Monday, May 24, 2010

Do nail technicians really make over $1000/wk b/c they get paid under the table(not including tips)??

I'm interested in learning how to become a manicurist/nail technician. Someone told me their salary per wk is %26gt;$1000 b/c they dont pay taxes. and is it true that they get insurance from medicaid even if they make that much $$ by just having a child in the household??

Do nail technicians really make over $1000/wk b/c they get paid under the table(not including tips)??
Doesnt sound true. If that were the case, i think alot more people would want to become a nail technician, dontcha think so?

And you are not gonna get medicaid if u did make $1000/wk. No matter if u have a child or not.

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