Monday, May 24, 2010

Why does excess Vitamine C and Omega's cause Nose Bleeds?

I'm trying to verify and get a better understanding about these diet supplements. Wikipedia which says:

"Some people who have frequent nosebleed problems, the cause could be the effect of vitamin overdose especially vitamin C .......

Cultures with a diet rich in fish sources that include high levels of omega-3 fatty acids (especially the Inuit) have also been observed to experience a higher incidence of nosebleeds. Athletes and bodybuilders who supplement their diets with fish oil also report increased frequency of nosebleeds."

Why does excess Vitamine C and Omega's cause Nose Bleeds?
Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is an acid which has some anti-coagulant properties, or it makes the consistency of blood thinner , thus it is attributed to cause nosebleeds in certain patients who may be sensitive to this drug. As for omega-3 fatty acids I would say the same property as cited for Vitamin C and normally fatty acids do react in our systems badly especially if we take them on an empty stomach. Same case for Vitamin C.
Reply:I thought it was because they thin out the tissues in your nose. which causes easy bleeding.
Reply:I don't have a good answer. I do take both as supplements. But have never had a nose bleed.
Reply:Blood thinners.
Reply:Wikipedia is wrong! Vitamin C and Omega Fatty Acids do not cause nosebleeds. The most typical reasons for nosebleeds are:

1) Dry air which causes the mucus to harden.

Bleeding follows when nose is picked.

2) High blood pressure

3) Injuries

4) Allergies

5) Drugs that are snorted

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