Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can McCain/McCane win without James C. Dobson and Rush Limbaugh support?

The Morning Joe host has depicted McCain as unelectable because of the opposition to him of two key conservative leaders, Rush Limbaugh and James Dobson.

Scarborough's comments during the opening segment of today's Morning Joe were prompted by an article in today's New York Times that included this line [emphasis added]:

Since his victory in the Florida primary, the growing possibility that Mr. McCain may carry the Republican banner in November is causing anguish to the right. Some, including James C. Dobson and Rush Limbaugh, say it is far too late for forgiveness.

Can McCain/McCane win without James C. Dobson and Rush Limbaugh support?
John McCain is a liberal through and through! The Golfer in FLA (Limbaugh) would like for you to think that true conservatism is the Republican party! Anymore, it is not! It is just another degree of liberalism!

Now, if he were to play his cards smart; he should have Condaleeza Rice as his running mate after the GOP convention. He might stand a chance to win.

Either way, the way I look at it, I think it's about time for the American Indenpendent Party, or the Libertarian Party to step up and and carry the torch of true conservatism! I'm sick of the Liberal Party (Democrat and Republican Parties)

In the famed words of one of my favorite Radio Talk Show host, that being Micheal Savage; "Liberalism is a mental disorder!"
Reply:He will get the Rush Limbaugh endorsement, reluctantly.

He will not get Dobson and most of the "hold your nose" voters will not be energized enough to do the grass roots work that they normally do.

Without the base energized it will be difficult for McCain to win. Kerry was an awful candidate and he got more votes than any candidate in presidential history except George Bush in the same election.

The liberals will be just as energized this time. I don't see much hope for the Republican Party this time. I held my nose and voted for Dole but there is no way I can vote for McCain. I would be doing the same thing the Democrats do, voting for party no matter how big a left winger they put up. I won't sacrifice my character because of fear over the hate monger or the shemale.
Reply:I think he may be in a lot of trouble with the right. They don't like him on immigration, taxes, global warming, campaign finance, and a host of other issues. Democrats are giving almost 3 times as much money to their candidates, and the primary turnout shows all the energy has been on the left.

Scarborough is a conservative Republican, and he tends to know what he's talking about, so I think he may have a point.
Reply:Don't know.

I'm hoping the Republican party will dump McCain before the convention because he violated the McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance Law.

How can a man who thumbs his nose at a law that he himself co-authored be expected to determine what laws should be obeyed by everyone else. Does he think he's above the law himself? What arrogance. He's not qualified to be president.

That will mean a brokered convention and maybe we can choose someone with genuine conservative principles.

Reply:Limbaugh will end up supporting McCain if only to keep Obama the hating racist and Hillary the shrill socialist out of the office. Dobson will drop off the radar screen until the election is over. McCain will win the presidency.
Reply:Actually, I've read that a more moderate stance by the Republican party is renewing interest. The party was hijacked by "Moral Majority" extremists. It appears to be swinging back to center.

Hopefully, the days of the "Moral Majority" are over.
Reply:I'm with Pilgrim. I'm hoping Ron Paul will be our nominee.

Rush won't support him, either, but that's ok.


and Chris, there is plenty of energy in the Ron Paul meetup groups, all 1600 of them....
Reply:Limbaugh is going to be supporting him, Dobson won't matter, he's just making himself irrelevant. McCain will walk into the Presidency.
Reply:Actually, the GOP has rallied around McCain

Limbaugh's role is to push McCain to the right on issues where he has been shaky. Nothing wrong with it at all.
Reply:McCain doesn't need any help.

Obama and CLinton are handing him the election without any.
Reply:Limbaugh will support him when the GE time comes.
Reply:mcbush mcSame couldn't win at marbles if he played himself

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