Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why would a DR recommend a C Section?

What are all the reasons a doctor may want to recommend a Cesarean delivery and why(this is not including emergency C-Sections).

Thank you.

Why would a DR recommend a C Section?
Many drs will suggest a cesarean for reasons ranging from previous cesarean births to an ultrasound indicating a big baby to fetal distress as indicated by fetal monitoring

whats important is not really why a dr might recomemnd a cesarean but whether or not it is a legitimat reason

according to this sight there are only a few real reasons to have one


"Q: When is a cesarean absolutely necessary?

A: • Complete placenta previa at term.

• Transverse lie

• Prolapsed cord.

• Abrupted Placenta.

• Eclampsia or severe preeclampsia with failed induction of labor.

• Large uterine tumor which blocks the cervix

• True fetal distress confirmed with a fetal scalp sampling or biophysical profile

• True cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD- baby too large for pelvis). This is extremely rare and only associated with a pelvic deformity (or an incorrectly healed pelvic break).

• Initial outbreak of active herpes at the onset of labor.

• Uterine rupture "

here are some things your dr can do to avoid a cesarean


and here some things you can do


heres more information about breech delivery (one of the more common reasons a cesarean might be suggested)


Reply:If the baby is too big. If you have a disease like herpes. If you have had a C-section before. If the baby is turned wrong.
Reply:Breech position, small pelvis or an STD that could be transmitted through the birth canal. Probably if the mother had a heart condition which would cause too much stress on her to go through labour.
Reply:if the woman has been in "labor" for over 72 hours or 3 days and still no sign of progression...esp. if this is happening and she's at least a week overdue, bc the womb and placenta become toxic to the baby after awhile and he or she could die of poisoning.

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