Sunday, August 2, 2009

C++ or java please help?

as a programmer in a weather department, you are to prepare a report that shows the conversion of temperature from fahrenheit(f) to celsius (c) or from celsius(c) to kelvin(k). the formulas to convert from f to c to k are as followed:

c=5/9*(f-32):converts from f to c

k=c+273.15:converts cto k

if you are converting from f to c, the out put of the solution must display the temmperaturs in both f %26amp;c scales. likewise, if you are converting from c tok, the output of the solution must display the temperatures in both c and k scales

use code "f" for faherenheit,"c" for celsius, and "k" for kelvin

your input must include a code to indicate the temperature scale you are entering. your solution must be able tp perform five onversion events(loop) before it stops.

declare and use variables and include a heading expression"conversion" that must display as part of the solution


the problems componets

write the loop test

write the decision test

draw the problems flowchart

C++ or java please help?
The best way to learn is to put some effort in your homework. If you show your work, we can help you where it's wrong. Simply doing your work for you doesn't help you learn and harms the people who do their own work.

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