Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can you help me in C?

What function should I use to clear a screen in C? And what is the header file to include?

For example, my code is:

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;conio.h%26gt;



printf("\nType anything!!!");

printf("\nType anything!!!");

printf("\nType anything!!!");

printf("\nType anything!!!");


// I want to place the code here that clears the screen...


Please help me... Im new in C...ΓΌ. Thanks

Can you help me in C?
Use clrscr(); just after the opening the main function. It works for C++ and it will surely work also for C; I didn't know they are so similar.
Reply:Now that you've included both header files, just use this:


That's the library function for clear screen. If you're on linux use:

Reply:Just use clrscr(). This function is defined in conio.h, and you have alreday included this file.
Reply:please use this


this is used for clear the screen

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