Monday, May 24, 2010

Which of the following includes all the others inside it? a,b,c,d..?


b.transformation bacterium

c.foreign gene

d.recombinant DNA

Which of the following includes all the others inside it? a,b,c,d..?
b) transformation bacterium
Reply:all of the above
Reply:e.I dont know
Reply:b is the only answer that makes any sense.

How do you find "C" in terms of A, B, and θ? vectors...?

If you have that problem in the picture, how could you find "C" (not vector C) in terms of A, B, and θ?

The other angle, φ, isn't included in the final answer.

Angle "c" is not in the final answer either.

I'm struggling with this and would appreciate help.

How do you find "C" in terms of A, B, and θ? vectors...?
Well, the only "C" I see besides the angle is the vector. But I assume that you mean that you just want the magnitude of C. In which case, you have, by the law of cosines:

C²=A²+B²-2AB cos c

Of course, c=180°-θ, and cos (180°-θ) = -cos θ, and magnitudes are always positive, so:

C=√(A²+B²+2AB cos θ)

The angle of C is of course (the angle of A) + φ.

Edit: You're welcome.


Regarding C++ !!! need Help?

Hi there, well i have downloaded microsoft visual c++ 2005 express edition. and whenever i write program it gives me error. ia m attaching my program and program and please somebody help me.

// unknown

//engr 30

//program 1

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

using namespace std;

int main()


cout%26lt;%26lt;"Welcome to Engineering 30!\n";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Have a good day.";

return 0;


The error i get




1%26gt;Test program.cpp

1%26gt;c:\documents and settings\hp_administrator\my documents\c++ programs\test program\test program\test program.cpp(16) : fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you forget to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source?

1%26gt;Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\C++ Programs\Test program\Test program\Debug\BuildLog.htm"

1%26gt;Test program - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

Regarding C++ !!! need Help?
Try starting your project as a "console" application as opposed to a windows application.

EDIT: which happens to uncheck the precompiled headers box automatically ;)
Reply:None of the other answers are correct. What you want to do, is in project properties, uncheck 'using precompiled header' because you are not using one. That is what stdafx.h is for.
Reply:there is no file called iostream in microsoft visual c++

so this error in coming......i suggest u that u first work on turbo c++ then switch to vc++ its will we good for knowing the language well

i hope it helped
Reply:At the risk of stating the obvious, have you tried the '#include "stdafx.h"' they suggest in your error message? It's been awhile since I've done some VC++ but I do recall needing stdafx.h or windows.h in almost all programs I built.

My C++ program has only 3 pl correct them and send correct code?




const TAG_VALUE=1;

const int TAG_END_OF_STREAM=2;

class mergesort



int a[],b[],c[10],i,j,t,k;


void enter_numbers()


cout%26lt;%26lt;"plz enter 5 numbers"%26lt;%26lt;endl;


cout%26lt;%26lt;"plz enter another 5 numbers"%26lt;%26lt;endl;



void display_numbers()













cout%26lt;%26lt;"The MERGE_SORTED NUMBERS were:"%26lt;%26lt;c[]%26lt;%26lt;endl;



void main()


mergesort m1;

fstream f1,f2,f3;"file.dat",ios::in|ios::out|io...


















My C++ program has only 3 pl correct them and send correct code?
Dude.. send entire code and errors that the compiler throws up.

One error I can notice is usage of a[] Array size should be declared in definition itself; like you have done for c[10]

That style of declaration is allowed only in function calls.
Reply:1) const TAG_VALUE=1; // need a type like int!

2) c[]=a[]+b[];// no positions c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

3) cout%26lt;%26lt;"The MERGE_SORTED NUMBERS were:"%26lt;%26lt;c[]%26lt;%26lt;endl; // again missing the position.

and this might be 'while(f1)' probbably better to check for EOF, also whats with the ... never do that, its horrible.
Reply:I'd recommend doing your own homework... And a please would be nice...

Hey, please help me with some questions about C-Program!?

1) What are the header files in the C-Program?

2) What does "printf" do?

3) What does "scanf" do?

4) What are the data types in C-Languages?

This is for an assignment...

If possible, kindly include a site for my further info. Thanks a lot!

Hey, please help me with some questions about C-Program!?
1. header files are those files that hold the declarations of some of the functions and variables(and hence called "Pre-defined functions"). Those functions are put under different headers based on their function. Since those ".h" files are included usually at the top of a program file, they are referred to as "header files"

2. printf, a function under stdio.h(standard I/O header), prints a string- a raw string or values of variables - represented as format specifiers. it returns the total number of characters printed on to the standard console(Usually, the monitor)

3. scanf, a counterpart of printf, scans (or reads) values mentioned using format specifiers, from the stand console.(E.g. Key board). this too retrurns an integer, the total count of read characters.

4. Basic data types include:

int, char,float and double.

void can also be referred to as one of the data types.

Derived data types include:

Arrays, pointers and functions

"Let Us C" is widely acclaimed as the best guide for learning C.

Thank you,

Reply:The headers file are files that contain prototype of many built in function in c program.

printf- is a function that allows u to display any kind of text in ur program.

the format is printf("your text");

as a result u'll get what ever u write in between the commas(in this case "your text") will be displayed in screen as u run the program.

But c program can't perform this function without a prototype(it tells c program how to perform). These prototypes are written in header files. So if u want to use printf function u will need to include the header files in ur program.

scanf- this function is used for take a input from ur keyboard and store it against a variable (u will have to define the variable name and data type first in ur program)

the format is scanf("%d", %26amp;name);

where name is the name of the variable and %d is a string that depends on the type of variable u are using.

data types are types of variables u can use on c program u will find details here

try the whole website for more info
Reply:I think you can easily do what the rest of us do, like google your questions. You are getting us to do the work for you, but there is a positive to it, that if we do not know the subject we get to learn it along with you.

I wonder though if it isn't yahoo staff who prepare these questions to get us involved, for it is common sense what one needs to do....but whatever...

Why do ppl think HBCUs is something started b/c black ppl don't want to be included with white?

don't ppl know the only reason why they are called hbcu is b/c 50-60 years ago they were the only colleges accepting black students and other students of color?

Why do ppl think HBCUs is something started b/c black ppl don't want to be included with white?
true the opposite is true.

I attended one because i wished to go for the experience. But that is part of the reason i attended one.
Reply:because racist come in all colors and ethnic backgrounds


Do nail technicians really make over $1000/wk b/c they get paid under the table(not including tips)??

I'm interested in learning how to become a manicurist/nail technician. Someone told me their salary per wk is %26gt;$1000 b/c they dont pay taxes. and is it true that they get insurance from medicaid even if they make that much $$ by just having a child in the household??

Do nail technicians really make over $1000/wk b/c they get paid under the table(not including tips)??
Doesnt sound true. If that were the case, i think alot more people would want to become a nail technician, dontcha think so?

And you are not gonna get medicaid if u did make $1000/wk. No matter if u have a child or not.