Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another question about writing/compiling C programs in Linux- help please!?

Okay, so when I type "gcc (programname.c)" in the terminal (I am using Ubuntu), and include the header files such as

#include%26lt;stdio.h%26gt; and #include%26lt;string.h%26gt; and others, it is giving me the error message:

"string.h- no such file or directory"

Any suggestions? Thanks.

Another question about writing/compiling C programs in Linux- help please!?
Google for setting the include path in gcc. Normally, you shouldn't have to supply the default include paths on invocation, because it should be set by the environment.

I'm not sure why that is not the case for you. So as I said, gcc include path and setting the include path in linux are good google queries.

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