Saturday, May 22, 2010

I do not want to read a book, i want an audio/video demonstration of how to program in C++ or C#.?

Anyone know of the top video/dvd resources for learning to program in C++/C#/Visual anything/.NET? And if you could include the best bargains in there, that would be neat too.

I do not want to read a book, i want an audio/video demonstration of how to program in C++ or C#.?
Omg just go on google:

"C++ tutorial"


"C# Tutorial".

Then google the libraries you need, for example, if you want to make a video game.

"C++ Direct3D Tutorial"


"C# XNA Tutorial"

This is a fast, free, and effective method.
Reply:You're first going to have to learn to program before you learn a language to do it in. Otherwise you'll know a language you can't do anything with. (Learning French won't make you a French doctor unless you're already a doctor.)
Reply:lol i dont no anything about that stuff lol im a blondey

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