Saturday, May 22, 2010

How can I get details of a C Clifford who served with the 19th Hussars in the Battle of El Teb in 1884?

I have a verse written by a C Clifford about this battle that I wish to include in a book along with others written around this time and am trying to verify

How can I get details of a C Clifford who served with the 19th Hussars in the Battle of El Teb in 1884?
Museum of the Army maybe.

Also track his Regiment - what is its representative now, many amalgamations later?
Reply:Go to the Public Record Office, Kew, London. You will have to take along some positive form of ID (e.g., your passport or photo driver's licence) so that you can obtain a Reader's Ticket. With this latter item you are then entitled to trawl through the many documents (in your case, of the British Army) held at the PRO. The staff are extremely helpful and will put you on the right track for your particular search.

Here are the main details for contacting the PRO:-

Public Record Office, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. Telephone Number 020 8876 3444. Fax Number 020 8392 5286. Website address %26lt; %26gt;.
Reply:The 19th Hussars first merged with the 15th and then in 1992 became part of the Light Dragoons. There's a Light Dragoons (15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars) Museum in Newcastle, as part of the Newcastle Discovery. The second link below will give you contact details for enquiries.
Reply:type his name in on google!
Reply:Try having a look at the national archives web site, you find some thing there, you could just enter the name in your search engine and see where you end up

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