Saturday, May 22, 2010

What realy means " first boot " - it's about a P.C. , because I have problems with it , big problems.

It's take a lot af time to start up my P.C., after that , everythink works ok., including restart operations ( to change the partitions ).

What realy means " first boot " - it's about a P.C. , because I have problems with it , big problems.
first boot is not the cause of your problem, cause it will make at most 5 seconds delay tell it try CD's and Removable media, you can solve this by selecting your harddrive as the first boot, but to solve the problem of slow do the following:

1. right click over your computer, go to device manager, see if thier is any devices that has quiestion mark, and if you don't use them just disable them.

2. from start menu --%26gt; select run --%26gt; type "MSCONFIG"

and disable all programs that start with your computer, make sure that you uncheck all unwanted programs from the startup tab, but leave important ones like antivirus, .....

if this wasn't able to solve your problem, contact me!
Reply:First boot means, when the PC just boots up and calling windows

u may have a viruse try to scan your PC with any antiviruse if not do disk defragment and if it doesn't work format your PC after backing up your important data


u may have some problems in the hardware that keeping the computer hanged for so long till it boots try to upgrade your RAM
Reply:well it could possible mean boot seqence, eg if a machine is setup to cdrom\floppy drive\hard drive it will check the cd drives floppy drive and then the hard drive for a bootable media

the boot sequence or first boot should be setup to hard drive first, after windows is all installed

if the machine is taking a long time to startup possible u have to many programs loading, eg if u look bottom right if u have a lot of icons there, thats going to take up a lot of system resources when the machine is turned on
Reply:Clean your PC first. then you remove any add on cards if any and clean those slots, RAM slots, make the connection from motherboard to all devices properly

After putting on the PC

then in BIOS settings set load optimized save default.

it will increase the performance ....


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