Friday, July 31, 2009

C++ Header file question (SystemInfo.h)?

i am building a C++ console application that requires me to include "SystemInfo.h"

i included this in my project (ie...... #include "SystemInfo.h")

and i am getting a compile error with microsoft visual c++ compiler:

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'SystemInfo.h': No such file or directory

i did some research but cannot find this file or where it is supposed to be located, any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

C++ Header file question (SystemInfo.h)?
Systeminfo.h is probably a system header file. Use %26lt; and %26gt; instead of quote marks. That causes the precompiler to look in the system directories first.
Reply:I used to get that error when I forgot to save the file I included in the program. I hope you the error. Good luck!


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