Thursday, July 30, 2009

Including music files in C?

this is what i want to do:

when a particular module of a program is executed i want a song to play. is this possible in C? how? please explain.

Including music files in C?
Yes, it would be possible to use C to activate a music file to play in most modern operating systems. The exact way to do this is not possible to deduce from the question, since it doesn't give much information to work with here. The best advice I can give you is to look for sound libraries for use with the C language. A great place to start will be the URL below, since it has a large number of tutorials on various languages and subjects as well as free compilers, libraries, IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) and other tools.

If the program is to be done in Windows Some Flavor, then using the built in functions of the Win32 API would be in order. These can be found from links off this URL also. Linux and Mac things as well, I beleive. Good luck!

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