Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do I back up everything on my 80GB Hard Drive (C:) onto my brand new 160 GB Hard Drive?

I just installed a new internal 160GB Hard drive in addition to my preexisting 80 GB (C:) hard drive.

I've set up 3 partitions in this new hard drive: (D:)80GB, (E:) 40GB, (F:) 40GB.

I want to back up my entire Old harddrive (C:) onto my new hard drive (D:) partition.

How do I do this? I want to back up everything from (C:) over to (D:) including my OS, my software, utilities, drivers, folders, files, etc. so that If my old hard drive (C:) should ever fail/crash, then I've got it all on my new hard drive in my partition (D:) that I can restore.

How do I do this without spending $$$?

How do I back up everything on my 80GB Hard Drive (C:) onto my brand new 160 GB Hard Drive?
go to Disk Management under Adminisrative tools in the Control Panel. Then Copy every Partition On the old drive onto the new one. This is free because Disk Management is built into Windows goto Start.....Programs.....Accessories...Sys... Tools...Back Up. Then you tell it what you want to back up, and where you want to back it up to.................

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