Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cover letter to be included in my C.V?

should i include my cover letter as part of my CV? apart from my resume of course.

Cover letter to be included in my C.V?
if your handing out your CVs personally, a cover letter is optional. if you're applying via email, a cover letter is necessary. in general, its always a good idea to include a cover letter but what i do (to save printing %26amp; paper) is to include a cover letter for the high-end companies that i apply to and just my CV for the others.
Reply:Even if its being delivered personally, always prepare a cover letter. You never know who else will be involved in the hiring process or if the person you're giving it to will just be passing it along.

A basic cover letter will be a letter of introduction. A GOOD cover letter will also include your sales pitch. Whereas your C.V. is an informative document, your letter should be PERSUASIVE. Tell them in your letter why they're holding your resume, what you want (an interview) and why you'll be an asset to their organization.

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