Thursday, July 30, 2009

I am tying to do my homework which has to be written in the C programming language...?

i was trying to use what i think you would call a C header which is:


but when ever i try to compile the program it jumps to this weird file which i think is the actual conio.h file itself. I have never had this problem before, is there any why i can restore the defaults so I don't have to deal with it calling an incorrect .h file again?

I am tying to do my homework which has to be written in the C programming language...?
Well, maybe your file "conio.h" its corrupted. You may try to copy from anyone else and paste it on the folder where your libraries and headers file are. I have it from a very very old version of TurboC, if you want it, you can mail me.

#include "conio.h"

morning glory

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