Thursday, July 30, 2009

C/c++ programming help wanted!award included!?

hi. i need to pass up a c project on 12July07. its about GUI, windows programming. my topic is to write a program that simulates the rotation of our solar system planets around the sun. by now, i got a source code from a friend but it's missing the resource script. pls someone help. we can talk prices. or if u know any programming people, pls refer! thanks alot

C/c++ programming help wanted!award included!?
Why r u using Y!Answers to pay for cheating?! Isn't there other sites for that?

The least you could do is ask Q's about it so you can learn how to do it on your own.


That's what I usually do. I ask specific Q's and give a link to the code for ppl to look at. Tell me what my eyes are missing when I have an error. That kind of thing. Or why isn't such and such working I did this I don't understand ...

Instead ... what do you do, ask fot 100% of all the work and answers and on top of that have the nerve to say you'll pay someone ... yeah right ...
Reply:The resource script?

That is like the most in consequential part of any program you don't even actually *need* one unless you use it(which automatically makes your program windows-specific, ewww...).

I thought other people who asked programming questions were stupid but you, you are officially the *worst* computer-whatever wannabe that I have seen. If you can't write a resource script then you really need to either get caught up really fast, not be windows-specific, or just not do computers, sorry.
Reply:here: register. then go under the book section, and then index, i made it. after that, then go right into your ebook, C++ for dumies i believe.... no offence! ; ) the only thing you need to give back is to visit the site often, and become involved! best site on the web! enjoy!


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