Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Holy COW...Can you write a little story that includes these "C" words??????

Not homework....I am soooo far past that stage in life...Merely good,wholesome fun on YA.







Holy COW...Can you write a little story that includes these "C" words??????
Benny was sitting on his front porch re-reading the CHAPTER in his Biology book on the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM when he ran into a COMPLICATION: someone had torn out the last page.

"Oh no," he cried, "now I'll never fully understand the interrelationship between mytochondrial DNA and cloning!"

Just then, Benny's sister June came out. Seeing her brother so distraught, she asked him what was wrong. When he explained what had happened she grew red.

"I have to confess, little bro, that I tore a page out of your book last week during a CLOUDBURST, and used it to keep my head dry." She fished a folded wad of discolored paper from her pocket. "Here it is."

Benny was so happy to have the page back that he didn't even chastise June for taking it, but his elation soon turned to disappointment. "This is from my Physics book and the section on CHAOS theory!"

Just then, Benny's mother came up to the house with some groceries. "Could you kids help me carry them in," she asked. Then, seeing how dejected both of them looked, she asked what was wrong.

"Someone took an important page on cloning from Benny's Biology book," June said.

Benny sighed.

His mother grew red. "I'm sorry, son. I'm afraid I did that. The other day I used it to sweep away some COBWEBS."

"Oh no!" Benny cried.

"Don't worry," she said, "I can get it for you."

She went inside and came out a moment later with a waded up piece of paper.

Benny smoothed it out and a broad grin crossed his face. "This is it," he said happily. Then, he fell over dead, for there had been a deadly spider in the paper, and he had inadvertantly freed it when he opened the paper.
Reply:█ http://answers.yahoo.com/quest... Report It

Reply:When the cloudburst begin, chaos and complication controlled the combined central nervous system of the Cincinnati chapter of Cobwebs
Reply:The spider had a large complication because his cobwebs were in chaos after the central nervous system of a cow exploding near it. The second chapter is about a teiifying cloudburst.






Rhonda was rotating slowly in the immobilization frame, in the medbay, while I sat and watched. On her back was an angry red hole, as if some complication had occurred during surgery, and the doctors hadn't finished.

A doctor came in, stepping carefully in the low gravity, his face looking as though some cloudburst had rained on his parade. "You're not Mr. Chorus. What're you doing in here?"

I didn't get up, because I'd belted myself into the chair. "I'm Flight Lieutenant Tamer, occasionally assigned to Squadron Leader Hathorne, as Crimson Three." I said carefully.

The doctor shook his head, as if clearing away cobwebs. He looked like he'd had too little sleep lately. I could relate. "Mr. Tamer, we wipe off our ranks in the medical bay."

"Rhonda Hathorne is a friend of mine," I said. "I'm James."

"Yes, well, all right then." The doctor turned toward Rhonda. "Her helmet protected her head. The rest of her body was scalded by her rocket reaction mass, then freeze-dried when her cockpit depressurized. We sewed up some cuts made by shrapnel. There's damage to the central nervous system, the spinal cord has been partially severed, by the shrapnel."

The doctor was silent a moment. "We won't know the extent of her paralysis until we take her out of the coma, but it's likely that the military chapter of her life is over."

I sadly regarded the red chaos that should have been hidden beneath healthy skin. Oh, Rhonda! I wish it'd been me instead of you.
Reply:COMPLICATION can be defined as having a six foot four inch blue eyed blond macho hunk rush into your life like a Spring CLOUDBURST. Your rational brain shuts down and refuses to function properly. COBWEBS collect on all the cells that operate the thinking process. The CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM is thrown into CHAOS as a whole new CHAPTER of your life opens up. Thus, is the curse and gift of love.
Reply:During a cloudburst in my central nervous system the cobwebs were cleared and chaos ensued. Needless to say, the complication began a new chapter in my life.
Reply:Outside, it was what seemed like a cloudburst, the rain pour over the top of the house, making pitter-pattering noises. Anne pushed the cobwebs from her face as she walked through the ancient house. She was relieved to be alone, due to the complications her life usually bestowed on her. There had always been chaos as a child, her parents fighting, when that happened she would always hide behind the chair in the corner till the screaming stopped. She was glad that that chapter of her life was over.

to be continued........

LOL! Sorry, I don't have enough time to do anything better. I'm about to leave, so this is the best I can do for now.

Thanks for the good time...

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