Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can you CREATE a story that includes these "C" words/phrases? (just for fun!!)?

Casa De Silva

Come one , come all!

Coco Caliente

Charlie the ______

Champagne anyone?


Cart before the horse

Cashmere kisses

Can you CREATE a story that includes these "C" words/phrases? (just for fun!!)?
Silva, Sunshine, Matt and ....... Miss Kitty

Silva:"So, Kitty.......You've spent so much time here at Casa Silva, don't you think it's time for you to go home?" She reached for her Merlot Mocha Latte and took a long slurp.

Kitty:"But you're the one who said, 'Come one , come all!"

Silva:"Yeah.....Two weeks ago!"

Kitty:" WELL! I can take a hint. You don't need to hit ME on the head. I KNOW the score!!"

Silva sighed:"So.....You're going, right?"

Kitty:" And will you be kicking Matt and Moron out, too?!"

Silva laughed as she popped a few Gummie Bears in her mouth:" They are so low maintenance...I rarely see them."

Kitty:"So....I'm HIGH maitenance, huh?! I'm leaving! Just let me call 'Buggies For The Very Busy.' They'll be here in no time, and I'll be out of your hair!!"

Silva:"THIS time don't ask them to put the cart before the horse . You caused such a mess last time!"

Kitty mumbled softly to herself...." Witch."

Silva: "Hag."

As Kitty was phoning the buggy company, Sunshine and Matt wandered into the room.

Sunshine:" Hi, guys. What's on the form, today?"

Kitty:"Well. Well. Well. If it isn't 'Coco Caliente' and her side-kick, 'Charlie the Cad!!" ( She was still upset over Matt leaving her for Sunshine.)

Matt chuckled softly and plopped on the couch.

Sunshine soon returned from the kitchen:" Champagne anyone?"

Kitty:"At ten in the morning?! Even Silva and I don't drink this early." She glanced over at Silva who was emptying the last drops of Merlot into her latte. "HUMPH!"

Matt declined any beverage:" I don't need any booze. All I need are your satin lips and Cashmere kisses, Sunny ."

Kity:"And don't forget her polyester preposterousness, cotton

craziness and linen lunacy!!"

Silva :" You realize, I hope....That made no sense."

Kitty glared at her and gathered her belongings:"I'll be on the front porch if you want me." She slammed out of the house. "Ciao!"

Siva waved briefly as she settled into her over-stuffed chair. One by one, her many cats joined her.

Matt and Sunshine went out the back door.

Sunshine:"Hey, Sil? We're going for a walk on the beach. We'll see you at dinner. " She and Matt left, arm in arm.

Silva:" Like I said.....Low maintenance."


Silva....... http://www.showcatsonline.com/images/cat...

Kitty ........ http://www.obh3.com/photos/angry_old_wom...

Matt and his Sunshine ..... http://www.flickr.com/photos/slightclutt...
Reply:Thanks. I am so sick. BAck tobed. Report It

Reply:The evening rang with cheers as the cashmere kisses rained down on all the lovely ladies. Charlie the Tuna and his lovely bride, Coco Caliente were new to the Casa De Silva and greeted all the new comers with an enthusiastic "Ciao! Come one, come all to see the cart before the horse! Champagne anyone?"

The common consensus was that both were a little crazy as no one used carts or horses any more and most folks wondered where on earth Coco found a man named Charlie the Tuna.

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