Monday, July 27, 2009

D&C worries!!! why am I still testing positive??

I asked a question on here earlier, but want to make my self more clear.

I had a d%26amp;c 3 weeks ago (6th feb '08') after having a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks, I bled for 2 and a half weeks so just stopped 2 days ago! I got an infection following the d%26amp;c symptoms including abdominal pain shooting pains in vagina and lower back pain. I STILL have these pains so went to the doctor today and got more antibiotics, she told me to do a home pregnancy test and if it was positive to go back and they will book me in for a scan to make sure everything is ok!!!

well i did the test and it is saying positive. I am so confused and dont know what is going on!!!! if anyone has experienced anything similar PLEASE HELP!!!!

D%26amp;C worries!!! why am I still testing positive??
A pregnancy test can be positive for up to 6 weeks after being pregnant.

Bleeding for more than a week is unusual, especially if it is heavy/like a proper period. This can be due to an infection or bits of tissue still in the womb.

Its best to get a scan and depending on the thickness of the womb lining they may advise another D%26amp;C, or if ok, wait for the antibiotics to settle the inflammation down.

I wouldn't be too concerned about another pregnancy at the moment given that you've been bleeding.Most importantly, take it slowly over the next few weeks, and give yourself time to recover. need to call the Dr..isn't that what the Dr told you to do?

And you takes some time for the hcg level to return to normal after that.

I'm guessing that the Dr is thinking that maybe some tissue or placenta was left behind after the D%26amp;C...that will cause a lot of your symptoms as well if it's festering.

Call your Dr and tell her the test was positive. And I wouldn't worry too much about it. The ultrasound will show what's going on. Usually if it's because tissue was left behind..they will repeat the D%26amp;C and every thing will return to normal.

Good luck.
Reply:you probly still have hormone in your body go back to your doctors best of luck
Reply:It can take a long time for the hormones to work their way out of your system.
Reply:The hcg hormone is prob still there.. i heard it can take a bit before it will go away!! Sorry yo hear about your loss!!

((BIG HUGS)) Sorry to hear of your loss. I had a missed miscarriage in June 2004 whilst 18 weeks.

It could be that hormones are still in your body and this is why...

However, sorry to ask a personal question, but is there any chance you had unprotected sex after D%26amp;C?

Reason I ask is that women tend to be more fertile after a D%26amp;C so if you had unprotected sex, there is a chance you pregnant again - I don't wish to confirm that though.

I know it hard but just wait to see what scan says and go from there.

All the best!

Thinking of you and trust me you will be a mummy soon - I have recently had a little boy - Caden James.


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