Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How can I prevent recurrent tonsillitis (not including Vitamin C, zinc and rest)?

throw your tooth brush away if your a chick same with your lipgloss and chapstick use mouth wash and lots of protien

How can I prevent recurrent tonsillitis (not including Vitamin C, zinc and rest)?
have your tonsils removed... i was 26 when i had it done, it hurt for a couple of days, but i havnt had a problem for 4 years now.... i used to get tonsilitis once every 2 monthes or so. good luck :)
Reply:Did you remember to change your toothbrush? That is one of the things most people forget.
Reply:Have your tonsills removed : )
Reply:I assume that you have seen a doctor and he/she has put you on a course or antibiotics? Perhaps a stronger antibiotic or maybe a tonsilectomy is in order.


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