Monday, July 27, 2009

Is C# Superset of of both C++ and C?


I am a begginer level programmer I am currently studying C %26amp; OOPs with C++

As C++ is superset of C, Is C# also the superset of Both C++ %26amp; C.

If yes then, can I do system %26amp; assembly programming in C# just the way I did it in C by including respective header files.

If not then, apart from .net, is the C# not in the family of C-Languages?

Thank You.

Is C# Superset of of both C++ and C?
In C# you do not do inline assembler as C++ allows.

You can write dll very easily to be used as an assembly.

C# is easier than C++ and C.

C is considered and unstructured language while C++ and C# are structured languages.

C# introduced several features that handle a lot of work you'd have to do yourself in C++ and especially C.

You can use the GC, garbage disposal to handle memory management for you in C#. If you ever had to do memory managementin C or C++ you know how time consuming and error prone the can be.

C and C++ use headers where C# have a using to define the namespace of the classes that'll do that brunt work C and C++ has to do themselves such as Structure definitions, etc.

C# has built in exception handling like Java only you are not required to throw e like in Java.

C# offers properties to classes unlike Java. This allows a class designer greater access control without decreasing functionality for a caller to use.

C# work s for stricky win32 to .NET platform targeting.

C# give you the power of C++ or aboubt 95% of it and the ease of VB and in targeting the .NET, you may find C# much easier for more advanced functions and dll calls.

The C# compiler will assign defaults to your variables referrence or pointer = null, and value = 0. In C and C++ if you forget to init something that must be, like when using hooks, it'll compile and throw run time.

C# shelters you from tedious tasks like that and more.

There are great simularities between C# and C++, but C++ is the one with greater horsepower.

C# contains a library than easily lets you go from web to net to desktop and back. You can create a great smart clinet using VWD and C#. So you can create classes that will port from your to your winforms apps with out re coding for the different platform. can answer alot of questions on C#, try it and the C++ Express, free until Nov 6, 2006 and see for yourself.

C# is really a great .NET compiler it seems designed for it. But going into the opsys and targeting a specific platform can be done and it's actually easier than C++ and of C.

MSDN and CodeProject have great referrences for beginners and the community is always great at anwering your questions. There is no such thing as a dumb question, everyone's out there to learn and help one another learn.

It's so needed with how fast things change and how much there is to know. One man is no islanad in development these days.
Reply:C is structured but not object oriented. It has functions and that makes him structured but does not have objects and classes. Report It

Reply:nah dont be mislead by that idea c# is NOT a superset, instead its in a way a parallel set to C++ in that its function is similar but more precise in inducing the subject to assembeling the necessary details to your programm.
Reply:hope this helps
Reply:Visual Basic (VB) is a programming environment from Microsoft in which a programmer uses a graphical user interface to choose and modify preselected sections of code written in the BASIC programming language.

C is a structured, procedural programming language that has been widely used both for operating systems and applications and that has had a wide following in the academic community.

C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that is viewed by many as the best language for creating large-scale applications. C++ is a superset of the C language.

C# (pronounced "C-sharp") is a new object-oriented programming language from Microsoft, which aims to combine the computing power of C++ with the programming ease of Visual Basic. C# is based on C++ and contains features similar to those of Java


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