Monday, July 27, 2009

Has anyone had a D&C and conceive before AF and carry to term.?

It's been 3 weeks since my d%26amp;c and I've been having unprotected sex since 9 days after my procedure. Took a HPT on tuesday and it was negative so my levels are down. I took one b/c I think I ovulated(I had ALL my normal signs of the O including c.m.) The past pregnancy I was lucky and conceived on the first try. So now I'm wondering if anyone has fell pregnant so soon and carried to term? Thank you. I know some people are told to wait but I wasn't told that so no nasty answers please.

Has anyone had a D%26amp;C and conceive before AF and carry to term.?
My husband and I went through a D%26amp;C in November- got my period in December and got pregnant again on New years! I am now 3 months along and so far so good- I wish you best of luck and baby dust!
Reply:Not me personally. I waited a cycle b/c I didn't feel I was ready to try again right away. It's certainly possible though to have a perfectly healthy baby if you don't wait. Good luck!

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